Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Posting

This is my first attempt at a blog; please bear with me while I work out the kinks. For starters, a little about me. I am a conservative Republican originally from Wisconsin but now living in Nashville. I have been a Republican since age 14. I consider myself a Reagan Republican: fiscally conservative, strong on defense, believer in personal responsibility, smaller government and lower taxes. I believe that as conservatives, we have a duty to this country to protect the Constitution from activist judges who would interpret it as a "living document." If we don’t, the America we grew up in won’t look like the America we inherit in a few years.

I am disheartened with the direction of our country in many ways. It seems all too common that people and companies are being rewarded for failure and bad choices. It is never “our fault,” someone else is to blame. Bigger government is not the answer to our current economic situation. Ronald Reagan figured that out when he took office in 1980. Our first and second amendment rights are under attack.

People feel that they have no voice in government; their representatives aren’t listening and are out of touch. The wave of “hope and change” that swept through Washington in November seems to have turned into fear and more of the same. Spending has increased exponentially; the same old pork finds its way into the bills; government is growing at an alarming rate.

We need to do something now. It is time to make our voices heard. We have to show Americans that being conservative means something. We can talk the talk. The hard part is walking the walk.

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